Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibition

In 2025, the Museum will host its 9th Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibition. The exhibition was initiated to support living artists working in sculpture. It is open to artists living in the Great Lakes States. The exhibition has provided the Great Lakes Bay Region with the quality artwork usually only seen in larger metropolitan areas. Sculptures are representational, abstract and non-representational created in a wide variety of media and styles. The artists themselves represent a range of unique careers and backgrounds. Overall, the exhibition boasts a wide unique variety of sculptural forms.

Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibition will feature approximately 50 recent sculptural works by Great Lakes artists. Although there are many venues that host juried exhibitions, this one is unique because it is entirely devoted to three-dimensional artworks.

Click HERE to submit an entry by April 20, 2025.

2023 First Place Winner: Foster Willey, “Wave”

Merit awards are monetary prizes awarded by the juror.
1st place—$2,500   2nd place—$1,500   3rd place—$1000  4th place—$750

View past Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibitions here.

Austen Brantley, “Condesa”



All awardees must be present at the opening reception to receive the award.

Eligibility: Open to all living artists working in sculpture who have completed training or formal studies and connected to the Great Lakes.

Specifications: Sculpture must be entirely original and completed within the last 5 years. Sculptures exhibited in any past Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibition at the Museum are not eligible. Each entry must be created by the person who submits it. No artwork may be removed from the exhibition before it ends on August 30, 2025.

Fee: $25 Member, $35 Non-member


  • Sculpture and sculpture components must be safe and easy to install
  • Cannot be hung from ceilings of the Museum
  • Should not exceed 8′ in height and 5′ in width
  • Weigh no more than 300 pounds
  • Have no sharp edges
  • Consist of no hazardous materials or liquids of any kind

Entry procedures: Postmark deadline for receiving online entries is April 20, 2025. Judging will be by professional quality digital images. Each artist may enter up to but not exceeding 3 sculptures and up to 2 detail images of each entry.

Requirements for digital images:

  • Digital images can be uploaded to the online entry form.
  • Images must be no larger than 2MB.
  • Image file names must be in the following format: ENTRY LETTER – ARTIST LAST NAME- TITLE. Ie: “Entry A – Smith – Sunset Over the Lake.jpg”
  • If you require additional views of your work, please indicate each view by numbering accordingly. Ie: Entry A1, Entry A2.
  • Photos that do not follow the required naming format may be disqualified.
  • JPG or PNG formats are preferred.

Notification: Artists will receive notification after May 5, 2025. Digital images of all accepted artwork will be retained for catalog, publicity, and educational purposes and may be picked up with the artwork after the exhibition.

Liability: All artwork will be insured while on the Museum premises and up to the deadline for pick up by the artist at the end of the exhibition. Value of the sculpture must be stated on entry form. Artists are responsible for ensuring their artwork while it is in transit to and from the Museum.

For accepted artworks:

Delivery of artwork: Sculptures accepted for exhibition must be delivered to the Museum between May 19 and May 23, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, or May 24, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Deliveries may be unloaded at the cul-de-sac area of Fine Arts Drive near the entrance of the Arbury Fine Arts Center.  If artwork must be assembled on site, the artist or a designated individual must be present to assemble it. Coordinate with Museum staff for delivery and set up of your sculpture by calling (989) 964-7125 or email

Disqualification: Sculptures differing in quality from or otherwise not representative of the accepted digital image will be disqualified, based on the juror’s decisions.

Sales: Works of art in the exhibition will not be for sale.

Retrieval of work: Artwork must be picked up from the Museum between September 2 to 5, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM or September 6, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Any unclaimed artwork left at the Museum after the deadline for pick up will be disposed of at the discretion of the Museum. No artwork will become part of the Museum collection.

Reproduction: By entering the Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibition, the artist gives the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum permission to reproduce images for the catalog, publicity, and education.


This exhibition is made possible with grant funds from the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council and Huntington Bank.